About Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry

Who We Are

Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry:
Spreading Love, Hope, and Salvation Empowering lives through the dynamic teaching of God's Word, passionate worship,
and compassionate outreach. Join us at Rehoboth Temple, North Legon!

Our Mission

Driven by love and compassion, we strive to reach and redeem the lost, proclaiming the Gospel and transforming lives, while also addressing the social and physical needs of our communities.

Our Vision

Empowering Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry to ignite spiritual growth, empower effective Christian living, and unleash transformative outreach, fueled by the dynamic teaching of God's Word, for the glory of God and the transformation of lives.

Core Value

These values reflect a commitment to serving God and others with integrity, compassion, and dedication. They guide us in our mission to spread love, kindness, and hope, fostering a community built on faith, trust, and mutual respect. By embracing these values, we strive to make a positive impact, inspiring others to join us in our pursuit of spiritual growth, selfless service, and devotion to God's will.

What We Believe


God is Good

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Nothing is Impossible

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We are Significant

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Meet The Lead Pastors

Jane & Robert Smith

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