School of Biblical Studies

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
This program introduces students to theology, the various theological views in the system, Systematic Theology, Old and New Testament Survey and Biblical interpretation. The aim is to equip and give students solid doctrinal and theological foundations.
Entry requirement
- Must have completed School of Ministry at Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry
- Or equivalent from another Church/School
Duration: 1 Year
Lectures: Two Saturdays in a Month
Time: 8am to 4pm
Venue: Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry, North Legon
Admission: January
Course Outline
First 6 Months
- Introduction to Theology
- Systematic Theology
- Paterology (Theology Proper) – The Study of God
- Bibliology – The Study of the Bible
- Anthropology – The Study of Man
- Hamartiology –The Study of Sin
- Christology – The Study of Christ
- Soteriology – The Study of Salvation
- Pneumatology – The Study of the Holy Spirit
- Ecclesiology – The Study of the Church
- Angelology – The Study of Angels
- Eschatology – The Study of the Last Days
- Israelogy – The Study of Israel
- Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation)
- New Testament Survey
- Basic Theology
- The Gospels
- Acts of the Apostle
- The Pauline Epistles
- Romans.
- 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians.
- Galatians.
- Ephesians - Prison Epistle.
- Philippians - Prison Epistle.
- Colossians - Prison Epistle.
- 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians.
- 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy - Pastoral Epistles.
- The General Epistles
- Hebrews
- James
- 1 Peter
- 2 Peter
- 1 John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Jude
- Revelation
- Old Testament Survey
- Basic Theology
- Pentateuch/The Law
- Historical Writings
- Wisdom/Poetic Literature
- Major Prophets
- Minor Prophets
Second 6 Months
- Church History
- Evangelism/Witnessing/Missions
- Christian Growth
- Christian Leadership
- Christian Education
- New Converts Series
- Discipleship
- Christian Marriage
- The Christian Family
- Health Education
- Prayer
- The Christian and His Devotional Life
- Effective Bible Study Methods/Skills
- Spiritual Warfare
- Spiritual Authority
- Understanding Spiritual Authority in the Church
- Principles of Spiritual Authority
- Christian Counseling
- Christian Discipline
- Christian Character
- The Fruit of the Spirit
- The fear of God
- Case Study of Godly and Sinful Characters of the Bible
- The Christian and Planning
- World Religions, cults and sects
- Christian Stewardship
- Victorious Christian Living