School Of Ministry


Colossians 2:6-7 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

The School of Ministry is the first school every person who joins the Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry must attend. In the school, students are introduced to basic Christian Doctrines which is aimed at grounding them in the word of God.
The School of Ministry is 100% sponsored by CEM and is opened to other churches or denominations.

Objectives of the school of ministry
The objectives of The School of Ministry are;

  • To build and root our students in the word of God through powerful teachings.
  • To prepare our students to continue to live in Christ or live as Christians (Acts 11:26)
  • To prepare our students to join and serve in various Departments and Ministries of the Church.
  • Serves as a springboard for students aspiring to join the Charismatic Biblical and Pastoral College for further studies.

Entry requirement: Must be a Born Again Christian
Duration: 3 Months
Classes: Mondays, Tuesdays NB: Thursdays may be added if necessary
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Venue: Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry, North Legon
Admission: From January (3 times a year)

Course Outline
  1. Bibliology – The Study of the Bible
  2. Paterology – The Study of God (The Father)
  3. Christology – The Study of Christ
  4. Pneumatology – The Study of the Holy Spirit
  5. The Doctrine of the Trinity
  6. Harmatiology – The Study of Sin
  7. New Creation Realities
  8. Foundations of Christian Faith
  9. Repentance from dead works
  10. Faith Towards God
  11. Baptisms
  12. Laying on of Hands
  13. Resurrection from the dead
  14. Eternal Judgment
  15. Authority of the Believer
  16. The Anointing
  17. Spiritual Authority
  18. Evangelism/Witnessing
  19. Christian Giving
  20. Principles of Effective Prayer
  21. Demonology – Study of Demons
  22. Spiritual Warfare
  23. Angelology – The Study of Angels
  24. Praise and Worship
  25. Christian Character
  26. Study of Temperaments
  27. Christian Marriage and Family Life
  28. Christian Discipline
  29. Cults, Sects and World Religions
  30. Eschatology – Study of the last days
  31. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries
  32. Loyalty and Disloyalty

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